
Make Your Voice Heard – Join Us Thursday, March 21, 11 am – 1 pm, in Terrace, Kamloops, Prince George, Vernon, White Rock, Ladysmith, Vancouver

Join us – We refuse to be invisible any longer. DOWNLOAD POSTERS BELOW

Seniors are protesting the low pensions that seniors receive from the Canadian Government 

Seniors Tin Cup is coming to Vernon, Kamloops, Prince George, Terrace, Ladysmith, White Rock AND MORE!

Meet at 1520 3rd Avenue (in front of Federal Building) 

Please make some signs to bring along.
Please keep them respectful
No vulgarities please.

Please pick up friends if you are driving, so that this means less vehicles. 
We may be having folks coming from out of town as well.

Bring friends and family  and your sense of humour.

Remember – “what we can’t do alone, we can do together!”

Please help our cause (and yours!) by downloading and printing out a poster for your building or neighbourhood. Add your community Muster Point at the bottom (hand write in LARGE letters before photocopying or cut and past text before photocopying.)


  • Jeanne Nybida

    I had no idea that this event was taking place.
    I think it is wonderful that we are speaking out, but so sad that this
    is necessary.
    I live in Nanaimo.
    I hope there are further protests, because the government will not listen
    to one. It will be swept away.
    If there is another protest I would like to take part, and hopefully one will take
    place here in Nanaimo.

  • Carole Fawcett

    Hi Jeanne – yes we are trying to find organizers for other towns. Would you and a friend be willing to take on organizing in Nanaimo. I agree – it is a very important movement to keep going. Please contact me at

  • Kate

    I’m wondering why the Vancouver meeting place was not listed. I missed this protest because I couldn’t find out where it was taking place. Please make sure you provide that information for future actions. Thank you.

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