Prince George March 21 2024

Thank you for joining us on March 21 – Let’s get Ready for June!

Marches for Fair Senior’s Pensions were held in several different communities across British Columbia on March 21 – Vernon, Kamloops, Prince George, Terrace, Ladysmith, White Rock and Vancouver –
But our work has just begun –
Let’s keep pushing for fair pensions for seniors – join the Senior’s Tin Cup movement –
We are already planning for a Rally (rather than a march) in June.

Spread the word – over 80 people showed up in Vernon alone

Let’s Make This an Election Issue – Seniors VOTE
There is Strength in Numbers – In Solidarity!
We will not be silent anymore.

Send us your Pictures! if you have any photos of rallies in your community please send them to us and we will post them here on the website

Listen to Carole Fawcett interviewed by Chris Walker on March 21 CBC Daybreak South

Castanet Article

Kamloops March plays Twisted Sister’s We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore!

Take a peek at the march in Prince George:
Prince George seniors protest Canadian pension plan rate

Christine Dalgleish
Mar 22, 2024 12:00 PM
Monica Murphy, 77-year-old Prince George resident, lines up at the food bank every week and only shops at the thrift stores because she’s on a fixed income, just like most Canadian seniors….


  • Maureen Davidson

    I would like to join seniors tin cup I live in Chemainus bc Vancouver island. We all deserve a living wage from our Govermement.
    Real Demtal Care, our expensive medications paid for, glasses, hearing aids like the benefits our parents were given and the government took away from our generation. Please keep me informed of all the rallies taking place and how I can help!

    • Carole Fawcett

      Thank you for your offer to help – we might just take you up on that. As this movement builds, it will rely heavily on the senior volunteers from all communities. Thank you so much.

  • Betty Boudreau

    I am 68, disabled and have an incurable (but treatable) cancer, currently receiving chemo weekly. I also have chronic kidney failure caused by the cancer and an ileostomy
    I struggle to pay for the supplies, supplements and food required to maintain my health.
    I recently found out that in the summer of 2025 I will have to move from the suite I am in (family members home) because they will be retiring and moving abroad. I have been trying to connect with a Fraser Health social worker but even to talk to one it is a 3-4 month wait list. I need low income seniors housing

    • Carole Fawcett

      Hi Betty, I am so sorry to hear that on top of your health challenges, you have to worry about housing. Hopefully you will see a worker sooner rather than later. Your story is one we want to try and help to resolve. Hang in there and stay tuned to our webpage. We are going to keep doing this until something is done.

  • Robert George

    I’m double hockey sticks and have a part time job so that I can afford hearing aids, dental care, good food and an occasional meal out. Fortunately I have subsidized housing or I would be homeless what with the high cost of housing.

    • Marie Bercier

      You are blessed and the envy or better word would be a wish that all seniors would be in your place . When I read of the struggles of all I am humbled .im grateful my husband of 43 years was able to leave me enough to get by , I still need to be careful but that’s a small price to pay .

    • Carole Fawcett

      Happy for you that you can work a wee bit – although this should not be necessary for any senior. Hope we can force the politicians to look at this and make changes. Thanks for your input.

  • Robert George

    I have long advocated that politicians should be speaking for those who elected them as a service to their country and it’s citizens. It’s ludicrous that they get a lifelong pension for a few years of service. I suppose that it’s because they think they are vastly superior to the masses. Seniors suffer and starve while retired politicians live the good life.
    For shame!!

    • Carole Fawcett

      Hi Robert I don’t think politicians think they are superior to us. But they do hold a hugely responsible position, although some of them do not serve the people – which is what they are supposed to do. I think we need to keep the pressure up and increase it all across Canada if possible.

  • Elaine Johnson

    I’m a senior that needs to work – so I can afford to pay my housing . I live in a senior area- whereas I just found out many of my neighbors received fridges , stoves, roofing and insulation – because of a government grant for 2023- and all own their resident, which I still have a mortgage- and unable to qualify because I need to work – so I do not qualify for any grants. (I renewed my mortgage this past year – and my mortgage doubled ). Not sure what’s happening here ? First time for me being a senior. We welcome people into our country and subsidize- but can’t look after the people who worked hard and paid taxes for over 50 plus years .

  • Carole-Anne Fawcett

    Stay tuned Maureen – we are going to be silent any longer. We are having another rally in June – 27th, a Thursday at 11:00 a.m. Watch the webpage for more info as it develops.

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