‘Can’t afford to live’: Vernon senior helping to organize pension reform protest
Thompson Okanagan Info News
Vernon resident Carole Fawcett is a freelance writer and retired councillor behind the Seniors Tin Cup Movement.
Image Credit: SUBMITTED/ Seniors Tin Cup Movement
February 10, 2024 – 6:00 PM
A senior in Vernon is fed up with living on the financial brink trying to make ends meet on a fixed retirement income, and she’s not alone.
Like so many seniors, Carole Fawcett can’t afford to go out much or buy anything. She doesn’t drive as often as she used to because she can’t afford the fuel and she has eliminated eating out with friends, among many other sacrifices.
“You have to be very careful anytime you have to spend money, you’re careful where you buy and you double check prices,” she said. “You might have to eliminate something from your diet. I shop at dollar stores and second-hand stores and I don’t go out anywhere. On rare occasions I’ll buy a blouse or something.”
Rising inflation is increasing pressure on those with fixed incomes and this includes seniors, many of whom are struggling to survive on a combined income from their Canadian pension plan, old age security benefits and guaranteed income supplement that amounts to roughly $17,000 to $18,000 per year, far below the poverty line.
Fawcett — a freelance writer and retired councillor — is working to change that.
“Most seniors can’t afford to go anywhere and many are working part time at places like Walmart to supplement their pension because they can’t afford to live.”
Fawcett, alongside fellow organizer Sharon Elliot in Vancouver, is rallying seniors in the province and country to protest at the same time in March to demand politicians increase pensions for seniors in a movement called The Seniors Tin Cup.
They aren’t asking for much.
“I’d like senior’s pensions to be brought up to the poverty level in Canada, it’s a very sad thing to have to say,” Fawcett said. “We’re not asking for charity, we’re asking for a change, we need pension reform.”
So far, groups in Ladysmith, Campbell River, Vancouver, Terrace, Vernon and Fort Nelson are preparing to march, although a date hasn’t been announced yet.
“We’re trying to form different groups in different cities to gain attention and when we do our demonstration everyone across the province will be demonstrating at the same time,” she said.
The movement couldn’t come at a more precarious time.
Seniors are one of the biggest cohorts facing homelessness, with many living on the financial brink after working for decades. For many seniors the cost of rent has risen to more than the benefits coming in and they are using up savings or inheritance money to stay afloat.
An aging population and rising costs of living, along with inadequate incomes for seniors is creating a housing crisis with the average senior spending 78% of their income on rent, according to a report by United Way BC published in November.
The housing available with subsidized rent for seniors is declining along with low-cost private options due to evictions and renovictions, redevelopment and owners renting their property seasonally.
Almost 20% of seniors are considered at risk of homelessness in BC, according to the United Way, and there’s a growing number of seniors living in substandard or unsafe housing. An increasing number of seniors in their 60s and 70s find themselves on the verge of homelessness for the first time in their lives.
“A lot of people say to me they didn’t know they wouldn’t be able to live on a pension,” Fawcett said. “Life happens, it’s unpredictable. There are health issues, divorce, lots of things that happen. You can lose your home in a fire or flood, some are doing reverse mortgages.
“I know of a senior living in her car and a friend who will lose her health insurance from a company she’s paid into for four decades when she turns 80. There are so many stories.”
READ MORE: HOUSING CRISIS: Future uncertain for Kamloops senior living on old age pension
The Seniors Tin Cup Movement was named after the idea seniors will be standing on corners holding tin cups in order to survive.
Fawcett said seniors are being ignored and many are embarrassed to admit they are struggling financially.
“We are a silent generation that went from being very outspoken out demonstrating for change like helping stop nuclear development and changing women’s rights. We have become quiet but now we’re getting loud, we deserve a living pension.”
Go here for more information or to join the Seniors Tin Cup Movement.
Karen Mullin
I would like to join this movement to
Increase Seniors pensions.. I’m so tired of Government Officials receiving such large increases to their paycheques while we are all struggling just to even try to make ends meet..
When my husband was still alive it was easier on 2 pensions, but once he passed away I can’t even begin to make ends meet.. Your payments for everyday living don’t change, only your income does.. My kids help me out as much as they possibly can, which makes me feel guilty everyday,
I should not have to be using their money when I have worked hard all my life & been able to look after myself.. We definately need change & I for one will keep fighting until we get it…
i want to join movement, I need to join!!
Carole Fawcett
Hi Karen, I am sorry to hear this – and I understand totally. Living on Canadian Gov’t pensions is very difficult. Hope to see you at the demonstration if you are in Vernon.
Jeff Arnold
Jeff Arnold
I attended the Kamloops Tin Cup Protest on Thursday, March 21st. I was very impressed with the way people expressed themselves and their suggestions for pension reform. Senior’s contribution to Canada financially, culturally, recreationally and politically all helped make this a great country. However, recently politicians from all levels of government have turned their backs on the very people that provided the resourses to create this unique society. Many special interest groups petition governments for money that they didn’t xontribute toward. Seniors only want what rightfully belongs to them. Politicians don’t seem to understand the difference between giving someone else’s money away, and simply giving it back to the people that owned it in the first place. Fairness seems to be a concept that our current batch of public servants can’t get their heads around, or more disappointingly, just don’t care. Either way it’s past due time for a wakeup call!
Carole Fawcett
Hi Jeff – I hope you support them again on September 21 at 11:00 a.m. It is important to get as many people out as possible – so take friends and family with you if you can. Canadian Seniors should be put FIRST!