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Other Upcoming Events

  • Sharon Elliott (tin cup founder and promoter) is meeting with MLA and Seniors Minister (Portfolio) Harwinder Sandhu on March 22, 2024. 
    She has also been invited to take part in Premiere Eby’s townhall on Monday, March 4, 2024 at 6:00 pm via phone. 
    Way to go Sharon!
  • The Kitsilano Neighbourhood House in Vancouver is holding a wellness Fair and will host Tin Cup representatives.
  • There was a lot of interest when Heather Fullager and Carole Fawcett sat at the Vernon Safeway for an awareness campaign on Friday March 1, 2024.  Lots  of excellent conversations and almost everyone  we spoke to was upset by the Canadian Pensions.
  • Carole was invited to participate in the Marpole Oakridge Place Family Place webinar, hosted by Andrea Krombein who is the Seniors Coordinator for Marpole and fourth Co-Lead of South Vancouver Seniors Network and also co-hosted by Grace Hann who is the Supervisor for a Peer Support network.  This information  will be sent out to 400 seniors across the lower mainland. 


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