
Next Rally for Fair Seniors Pensions: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 11am.

Our next scheduled rally will be Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Watch the website, and our Tin Cup social media to find out where the rally will be held in YOUR Community, or organise your own! Let’s make this rally have an even bigger impact than the first –

Our Movement for Fair Seniors Pensions is growing and WE WILL NOT BE IGNORED!

Can’t find your community?
ORGANIZE A RALLY IN YOUR AREADownload and Print An Organising Guide for Seniors Tin Cup

DOWNLOAD AND PRINT A GENERIC .DOC POSTER FOR YOUR COMMUNITY – ADD YOUR MEETING PLACE/ADDRESS – You may need to adjust type size to fit on the page to suit your additions,
OR handwrite (make sure it is large writing and legible) on a GENERIC PDF POSTER file and print.




First of all, thank you very much for volunteering to be an Organizer for the Tin Cup Movement.   Together, we will make the much-needed changes in Canadian pensions.

  1. Make yourself familiar with the webpage You will also find how Tin Cup got its start and how it continues to be active, as well as informative articles and information. This page is a completely volunteer effort, and is put together with input from many and the design and work of Susan Brandoli. We have had many compliments on it and welcome any new input or suggestions.
  1. Find out who the most listened to or watched media is in your area.  Carole will send out press releases for most of the protests, but you could help by reminding the media in your area about it too.   Carole will provide a generic press release which you can download and make applicable to your area.
  1. Spread the word.  Contact all senior centers in your town or city and inform them of what Seniors Tin Cup is about.  A lot of these centers are frequently looking for people to present interesting subjects.  A 10 minute info session is all it would take if you feel shy about speaking in front of people.  
  1. Make Posters and Signs, perhaps a small printing operation would help you by doing this for you if you give them the wording you would like.   i.e.  “SENIORS MUST BE HEARD’     ‘WE’RE NOT INVISIBLE’    ‘HEY OTTAWA – SENIORS VOTE’  etc.  
  1. Promote the day of the protest using posters, social media, friends, relatives, etc. at least two weeks prior to it happening.  Put up at libraries, seniors centres, rec centres, shopping centres, grocery stores, museums, coffee shops – anywhere that posts public events.
  1. Choose a highly visible place to demonstrate.  Check with your town/city as to whether you need to have a permit.  
  1. BE very AWARE of those who may be racist in any manner.  If they are wearing any clothing that is disrespectful of any politician or group, ask them to cover it, or leave the march.  We are not a disrespectful movement.  We expect respect, so we have to give it.  We can still disagree with others, but not using language that is disrespectful (visual or verbal).  I also would not encourage Canadian Flags, due to the negative tone that has been set with the anti-vaccine movement.  We don’t want to be confused with them.
  1. If you are unsure of anything, please Use the Contact Form on this website to CONTACT Carole or call her directly at 250-550-0316.    Please do not send attachments via texting.
  1. CONNECT your local Rally to the webpage by sending Carole your information.
  1. Again, THANK YOU very much for your time.  We will make a difference.  We have in the past and we will again.  


Can’t find your community?
ORGANIZE A RALLY IN YOUR AREADownload and Print An Organising Guide for Seniors Tin Cup

DOWNLOAD AND PRINT A GENERIC .DOC POSTER FOR YOUR COMMUNITY – ADD YOUR MEETING PLACE/ADDRESS – You may need to adjust type size to fit on the page to suit your additions,
OR handwrite (make sure it is large writing and legible) on a GENERIC PDF POSTER file and print.


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