Seniors Tin Cup federal petition for fair senior pensions
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Petition to the Government of Canada

The Petition is here and now open for signing!

Sign the official federal petition now to demand changes to pensions for seniors and help lift low income seniors out of poverty. Follow the links to the official petition site.

You will receive an email to validate your identity.
You must click the link provided in order to complete the signature process.

The petition will remain open until
September 14, 2024, at 3:57 p.m. (EDT).


  • Statistics Canada’s data on the elderly poverty rate reflects that a percentage of seniors have historically lived below the poverty line contributing to inadequate diets, failing health, isolation and depression;
  • Seniors are experiencing food insecurity and having to access food banks and soup kitchens;
  • Food Bank Canada, reports that in 2023, 8% of their clientele were seniors;
  • An increasing number of seniors are homeless or facing homelessness due to inflation beyond their means;
  • Seniors are being forced to get reverse mortgages on their homes and work, past the age they intended to, often with health issues;
  • The Old Age Security (OAS), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) ceiling, which is below the poverty level of $23,513.00, cannot cover the current cost of living;
  • Seniors who work past 70, either by choice or necessity, cannot contribute to the CPP to increase their post-retirement benefits for additional income;
  • Many Canadians, especially women, were not in a working position to save for retirement and now they must rely solely on OAS, CPP and GIS; and
  • The Government of Canada’s one-time payments to seniors are helpful and appreciated, but seniors need a sustainable living income to elevate them above the poverty level.

We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to provide a universal liveable income, indexed to the cost of living, to Canadian citizens, 65 and over, that exceeds the poverty level to allow them to have an acceptable standard of living. Further, we call for agreements that eliminate provincial and territorial clawbacks of federal benefits.


    • Carole Fawcett

      They do and perhaps if enough people take part, sign the petitions and help to Organize we can
      make the necessary changes so that Seniors can live with dignity. Thank you for caring.

  • Dagmar Dagmar

    The pensioners live in poverty hardly able to live. It is a disgrace.
    Please increase the pension rate. The Government officials had just huge increase in their salary but the pensioners only get .08 % increase. It is shameful. we are becoming a 3rd world country.

  • Carole Fawcett

    Hi Dagmar

    I 100% agree with you. We need to get the attention of the government and we can do that by rallying together on June 27th. I don’t know what town you are in, but perhaps you could help to organize a Rally in your town? Or attend one if there is someone who organizes in your town. So far we have Terrace, Vanderhoof, Williams Lake, Kamloops, Vernon, White Rock and Ladysmith. Feel free to reach out to me at

  • Carole Fawcett

    Hi everyone – just wanted to drop in and encourage you to take part in Rally’s in your town. We have them happening in Terrace, Vanderhoof, Williams Lake, Kamloops, Vernon, White Rock/South Surrey, and Ladysmith so far. Make up your signs and help seniors everywhere get noticed so that the Gov’t will increase the pension. We need OAS and GIS increased with no penalties involved if you earn $10 doing something to improve your quality of life. The time has come the senior said. Make it a good Rally. Wishing you all the very best. Take your friends, family and neighbours to help to make a positive difference in the lives of Seniors. We want this to be Canada wide and that is our aim.

  • Cathy Carey

    Hi. Just got an email saying I had already signed the petition. I hope that the powers that be realize we are the generation that still votes and with a federal election coming up, we boomers, will be the ones who decide who’s staying and who’s not.
    I live in White Rock. I will be taking part in the March and bringing my neighbours with me.

  • Robert A. Vass

    I defently agree that seniors are being left behind. Many other low income Canadian residents are recieving grants, subsidies and they are needed but again seniors don’t. The Federal Government raising our OAS by .8% and .7% based on their calculation of cost of living increase is a joke they think that they are doing us a big service. The Federal Government needs realy get their S—- together we are all voters. Example in B.C. a person who makes minimum wage of $17.40 and works full time makes about the same as two seniors collecting OAS, GIS and CCP. There something really wrong here! The B.C. Government is even worse with their so called low income seniors benefit, which amount to nothing after they do their calculations of income which veries from web site to web site. One says they only use OAS and GIS as income another states they use all income to calculate their seniors benefit. Who are you to believe and how do you apply when the line moves in favour of the governments. We seniors have paid into the coffers by way of taxes for many years we should be recognized for this but we don’t. One more item the lowest paid MP / Backbencher makes $203,100.00 per year these MP’s make more two months than two seniors make all year. I have said my piece Thanks.

  • Candace Colmer

    Food Banks are not accessible to many seniors who can’t carry groceries or pull a cart to get there. Likely more then 8% use by seniors.

  • Alan Gray

    There are only two things that get the attention of politicians…one is to reduce their access to money. The other is to inconvenience them by blocking access to their offices or meetings. We need to take a page out of other activist organizations and march in sufficient numbers to block entrances without inconveniencing motorists.

  • jacob huebert

    not only do seniors live below poverty line but if you are married you get even less age and marriage discrimination get out of the40s and 1950s for shame on you shame politicians

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