• OReagan and Underwood

    Response from the Ministry Office

    RESPONSE FROM THE MINISTER’S OFFICEThe following is a response to a letter sent to the federal Ministry for Seniors: On behalf of the Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr., Minister of Labour and Seniors, I am responding to your email, which was forwarded by the office of the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance,  on February 14, 2024. You wrote about support for seniors. Canada’s public pensions, namely the Old Age Security (OAS) program and the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) assist in providing income security to seniors. OAS benefits are intended to provide partial income security for seniors in recognition of the contributions that they have made to…

  • Events

    Make Your Voice Heard – Join Us Thursday, March 21, 11 am – 1 pm, in Terrace, Kamloops, Prince George, Vernon, White Rock, Ladysmith, Vancouver

    MARCH FOR FAIR SENIOR’S PENSIONS Join us – We refuse to be invisible any longer. DOWNLOAD POSTERS BELOW Seniors are protesting the low pensions that seniors receive from the Canadian Government  Seniors Tin Cup is coming to Vernon, Kamloops, Prince George, Terrace, Ladysmith, White Rock AND MORE! Community Meeting PointsThursday, March 21 – Meet at 10:45 am for announcements, etc TERRACE Meet at TILLICUM THEATRE PARKING LOT KAMLOOPSMeet at 700 BLOCK FORTUNE DRIVE WHITE ROCKMeet at #135 – 1959 152 STREET, SOUTH SURREY, IN FRONT OF MP OFFICE KERRY-LYNNE FINDLAY LADYSMITH Meet at ISLAND HOTEL across from PHARMASAVE on 1st Avenue PRINCE GEORGE Meet at 1520 3rd Avenue (in front of Federal Building)  VERNONWe will muster…

  • Articles

    ‘Can’t afford to live’: Vernon senior helping to organize pension reform protest

    Thompson Okanagan Info News Shannon Ainslie Vernon resident Carole Fawcett is a freelance writer and retired councillor behind the Seniors Tin Cup Movement. Image Credit: SUBMITTED/ Seniors Tin Cup Movement February 10, 2024 – 6:00 PM A senior in Vernon is fed up with living on the financial brink trying to make ends meet on a fixed retirement income, and she’s not alone. Like so many seniors, Carole Fawcett can’t afford to go out much or buy anything. She doesn’t drive as often as she used to because she can’t afford the fuel and she has eliminated eating out with friends, among many other sacrifices. “You have to be very…

  • Sharon Elliot and Carole Fawcett

    Guaranteed Income Supplements Need Adjustment to Liveable Income Levels

    SubmittedMost seniors don’t need to watch the news to know that times are increasingly hard; they can see the evidence in their own lives.  So perhaps it’s no surprise that older adults are leading the charge toward change. After her retirement at age 74, Vancouver resident Sharon Elliott had spinal surgery. In the days following, she quickly saw that help from the public purse was far from adequate to meet her needs. “I found that I was having to choose between health treatments and basics like food and housing.”  Since then, Sharon  has been actively working  to persuade governments to make more resources available to older adults. Specifically, she says, Guaranteed Income…

  • Light used to own a home on Pender Island, but sold it to move to Metro Vancouver. (Ethan Cairns/The Canadian Press)

    CBC: Senior Housing Crisis

    British Columbia In an RV outside a B.C. Walmart, a senior dreams of housing Nono Shen · The Canadian Press · Posted: Jan 27, 2024 4:06 PM PST | Last Updated: January 27 More seniors reporting having low incomes a ‘dramatic reversal’ from 3 decades ago, charity says. Keith Light, 77, says he spent New Year’s Eve trying to get the engine of his recreational vehicle — outside a Walmart in East Vancouver — running to stay warm, while trying to imagine better times ahead.“I just laid here and visualized B.C. Housing calling me and saying: ‘We have a place for you,'” said the former construction worker. He is among a large population of elderly people…

  • Articles

    We are not ‘less than’ because we are seniors

    Carole Fawcett “I watched my 84-year-old Aunts quick descent into poverty following her retirement.  She worked all her life (usually two jobs) until she was 78 years old.  Recently she required a hearing aid and also had to have some dental work done.  She has to rely on her credit card in order to have these much-needed services, and then has the long process of paying that off. Even the most carefully thought out financial retirement plan can change very quickly because of unexpected life events.” “My 81-year-old Mom still works part time.  She has to, to supplement her very low pension.” “It is an insult when, as a retiree,…

  • Articles

    Government benefits need to be boosted to avoid senior poverty: Carole Fawcett

    Martin Biefer, Senior Pension Writer, Avery & Kerr Communications For Carole Fawcett of Vernon, BC, it’s time for seniors across Canada to let governments of all stripes know that the current retirement benefits available to older Canadians aren’t sufficient – and many seniors are facing poverty in their golden years. Fawcett, a freelance writer and editor and a retired counsellor, spoke recently to Save with SPP by telephone and email. She agrees that government programs like the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, and the Guaranteed Income Supplement were, when first created, “expected to `supplement’ the pensions that people would get from their job when they retired.” “People used to…

  • Seniors Tin Cup Seniors Matter

    Boomer Anger

    © Carole Fawcett This Boomer is angry. I am 75 years old and my pension is less than someone who works 40 hours a week for the minimum wage and this is combined for both OAS and CPP (with the supplement). How disrespectful and minimizing is that?  I’m tired of the tokenistic pat on the head with a pitiful pension.  A lot of us fall into this category and it wasn’t because we planned badly, sometimes life gets in the way. Before I go further I want to say that a lot of Boomers (seniors) are in the same (or worse) position.   But I’m kind of tired of it…

  • Join Carole for upcoming events in Vernon

    Global News Television, Carole’s Vernon protest:

    A B.C. woman took to the streets of downtown Vernon Thursday to raise awareness about poverty among seniors. The writer and former counsellor says low income older adults are struggling to get by on government assistance. Experts say seniors are among those most impacted by inflation. Aaron McArthur reports. – Dec 28, 2023 ...

  • Articles

    CTV News Interview with Sharon Elliot

    Sharon Elliott was employed up until a few months ago. At 74 years old, Elliott was working part-time to pay for her expenses until a spinal injury pushed her to retire. The loss of income, paired with expensive health-care treatments, forced her to face a new reality. “By the time I paid for those services, there was no money left for food,” she said...