Seniors Unhoused and The Hidden Homeless
Homelessness and the “Hidden” Homeless
It may sound fun at first, to live in your RV or van. But when this becomes a choice between being able to pay rent and still have enough funds to buy food, medications, etc, by giving up your home to live more inexpensively full time in your recreational vehicle, if you are lucky, or car, or truck, if less lucky, then it becomes a different matter. Worst case scenario is living on the streets. We have met these seniors who have had to make this choice at many of our rallies.
Homelessness or Unhoused Statistics
A disproportionate number of both senior men and women are also homeless, and many who are not yet homeless are struggling with the basic necessities of life, barely making ends meet.
The Stats Canada numbers on homeless seniors – The full question asked was:
“Have you ever been homeless, that is, having to live in a homeless shelter, on the street or in parks, in a makeshift shelter or in an abandoned building?”.
Hidden Homeless Statistics
The full question asked was:
“Have you ever had to temporarily live with family or friends, or anywhere else because you had nowhere else to live?”.
In 2021, homeless adults over 50-64 make up 24% of homeless shelter use, which does not include “hidden” homeless rates of 19.1%.
Homeless seniors 65+ make up 16.6%, with a hidden homeless rate of 14.1%.
These numbers are unacceptable.
Find the complete statistics at Government of Canada
There is a growing inequality and material deprivation.
SENIORS VOTE. Together we can make a difference.
We need real change now.
This issue affects upcoming generations as well as current seniors.
It’s everyone’s problem – Please sign the petition and make sure that your family, friends, colleagues and neighbours sign also.
Seniors Tin Cup is Canada wide and this petition is open to every Canadian citizen – regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, political leanings, income level – you just need to support seniors in need who are struggling to make ends meet on a daily basis, and some who live in their cars, RVs, or even on the streets.
You do not need to be a senior or be financially challenged yourself to support other seniors in need.
A Canadian citizen of any age can sign the petition.
And good for you if you have an additional pension from your place of employment and are living a comfortable life!
However, other seniors are struggling and we need to support them.
You just need to care about your fellow human being.
Simple human empathy.
Read about the CBC article here:
CBC News : A ‘hopeless’ feeling: Struggling seniors face sky-high rents and few, if any, options

One Comment
Christine Boyd
I’m a senior and live in a mobile home park. That’s the way to go. One or even two senior friends sharing comfortable accommodation. Where our local/provincial/federal gov’t can really help more seniors and other chronic homeless people, is buy using available land for mobile home parks like the one I live in. It has a pretty park in the centre of 22 mobile homes. Then managing funding for them. E.g. Rent to own; or mortgages without a deposit. Think tanks including credit unions who may be more open-minded than banks.