Happy New Year? New Minister for Seniors, little relief for seniors living below the poverty line
Happy New Year? Highly unlikely for many seniors who live below the poverty line.
The latest absurdity of our government is to offer those who earn up to $150,000.00 a year, a bonus cheque in the amount of $250.00 in the Spring of 2025, with no plans to give the same to seniors who live under the poverty line of $25,252.00. Even if it doesn’t happen, for them to even think this might be okay is exceedingly insulting. I wondered if their brains had fallen out.
A recent Canadian survey shows that single seniors had
4 times the poverty rate compared to senior families
I was lying in bed watching the 10:00 o’clock CBC National News, when I heard the announcement. They might as well shout out to the low-income seniors of Canada “We don’t give a damn”. Actions speak louder than words and the government decision-makers may want to re-visit this notion and start to give a damn.
Dangerous to send out this message, as guess who are the most reliable voters? And guess who may not vote in the same manner as they once did.
I’m also fed up with the Federal and Provincial government’s appointments of what appear to be tokenistic Seniors Ministers. I mean what do they really do? They validate us, but sadly, validation does not make substantive change.
It doesn’t feed and clothe us, it doesn’t put gas in our cars, it doesn’t pay for our medical expenses, it doesn’t eliminate financial worry. It doesn’t allow for joy in our lives because joy usually costs money and we don’t have enough.
Oh – and did you know there was a new federal Seniors Minister? The senior’s portfolio is no longer just being tacked on to another portfolio. Used to be an add-on for the Minister of Labour, but he has been given another portfolio. So, Joanne Thompson is our new Federal Seniors Minister and she was appointed in December of 2024. Even the media didn’t seem to know.
In BC, they have a Seniors Advocate, (another tokenistic position) and his name is Dan Levitt. Prior to him, Isobel McKenzie was the first Seniors Advocate. When Ms. McKenzie left, she wrote a report telling seniors what they already knew, because they live it every day.
I’m sure all these Ministers are caring people but their hands are tied as far as helping seniors financially. They are tokenistic government puppets.
I confess to being perplexed as to why the Federal Government chose to allow thousands of people into the country when their own citizens could not find housing, nor live with dignity. I think they may have put the cart before the horse.
This is not said with any racist component, but with the reality of what is happening in Canada. We live in difficult financial times and while I love the fact that my country helps others fleeing from wars, etc., I can’t help but wonder why we aren’t helping our own seniors first. The ones who have given so much to this country. I believe we can do both if it is done with financial prudence.
Seniors are asking for respect and dignity. Raising the Guaranteed Income Supplement payments to the level of poverty (combined with their Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan) would allow them to live with more dignity. In today’s economic world, it would not mean a huge increase, but it would at least remove some anxiety around finances.
Ageism is rampant within our government if they think it is okay for Canadian Seniors to live under the poverty line.
Having said all this, I want it to be known that I respect all politicians, as they are giving so much to our Country, but they are not paying attention to the demographic who has been around the longest.
Seniors need to take action and show politicians that like it was said in the old movie, Network, “we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!”.
It is not okay to ignore seniors. We will not be silent anymore because silence isn’t golden and doesn’t change a damn thing.
Carole Fawcett is a freelance writer and activist with Seniors Tin Cup.